The Room Data Sheets (RDS’s) represent the detailed briefing requirements of individual room types. Some RDS’s provide options for certain elements such as materials. If an external document refers to these RDS’s, without qualifying the choice of options, then the default options will prevail. In case of any discrepancy between various documents, the RDS’s will take precedence.
Where materials or elements are mentioned by generic type (eg Vinyl), the requirements may be satisfied by other materials and elements which have very similar properties (eg impervious sheet flooring).
The Room Layout Sheets (RLS’s) are indicative plan layouts and elevations illustrating an example of good design. The RLS shown are deemed to satisfy these Guidelines. Alternative layouts and innovative planning shall be deemed to comply with these Guidelines provided that the following criteria are met:
- Compliance with the text of these Guidelines
- Minimum floor areas as shown in the schedule of accommodation in each FPU
- Additional 2 M2 added for each additional door above the minimum required number
- Heights and dimensions where shown
- Any Clean/ Dirty separations shown or implied
- Accessibility to and around various objects as shown or implied
- Relative location and empirical dimensions of:
1.Hand rails and Grab rails
2.Call points, Power, Light Switch, Data and Gas outlets
3.Bed Screens
4.Sanitary Fixtures
Standard Components | Code |
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Negative Pressure | 1 BR-IS-N-IN |
1 Bed Room - Isolation - Positive Pressure | 1 BR-IS-P-IN |
1 Bed Room - Large, Inboard Ensuite | 1 BR-LG-A1-IN |
1 Bed Room - Large, Outboard Ensuite | 1 BR-LG-B1-IN |
1 Bed Room - Mental Health, Inboard Ensuite | 1 BR-MH-A-IN |
1 Bed Room - Mental Health, Corridor Ensuite | 1 BR-MH-B-IN |
1 Bed Room - Mental Health, Back-to-back Ens | 1 BR-MH-C-IN |
1 Bed Room - Special | 1 BR-SP-A-IN |
1 Bed Room - Special, CCU | 1 BR-SP-B-IN |
1 Bed Room - Standard, Inboard Ensuite | 1 BR-ST-15-A-IN |
1 Bed Room - Standard, Outboard Ensuite | 1 BR-ST-15-B-IN |
1 Bed Room - Super VIP | 1 BR-SVIP-IN |
1 Bed Room - VIP | 1 BR-VIP-IN |
2 Bed Room - Mental Health, Inboard Ensuite | 2 BR-MH-A-IN |
2 Bed Room - Mental Health, Corridor Ensuite | 2 BR-MH-B-IN |
2 Bed Room - Mental Health, Back-to-back Ens | 2 BR-MH-D-IN |
2 Bed Room - Inboard Ensuite | 2 BR-ST-A-IN |
2 Bed Room - Outboard Ensuite | 2 BR-ST-B-IN |
2 Bed Room - Shared Ensuite | 2 BR-ST-C-IN |
2 Bed Room - Standard | 2 BR-ST-IN |
4 Bed Room - Standard, 36m2 | 4 BR-ST-36-IN |
4 Bed Room, 49m2-Inboard Ensuite | 4 BR-ST-A-IN |
4 Bed Room, 49m2-Outboard Ensuite | 4 BR-ST-B-IN |
4 Bed Room, 49m2-Inboard/ Outboard Ensuite | 4 BR-ST-C-IN |
6 Bed Room | 6 BR-ST-IN |
Ablution Room (Prayer Room) | ABLR-IN |
ADL Bathroom | ADLB-IN |
ADL Bedroom | ADLBR-IN |
ADL Dining Room | ADLD-IN |
ADL Kitchen - Enclosed | ADLK- ENC-IN |
ADL Kitchen - Open Bay | ADLK-OP-IN |
ADL Laundry | ADLL-IN |
ADL Lounge | ADLN-IN |
After Hours Blood Fridge | AHBBF-IN |
After Hours Drug Store | AHDR-IN |
Airlock, 6m2 | AIRL-6-IN |
Airlock - Entry, 10m2 | AIRLE-10-IN |
Airlock - Entry, 12m2 | AIRLE-12-IN |
Airlock - Entry, 6m2 | AIRLE-6-IN |
Ambulance Triage | AMBTR-IN |
Angiography Control/ Reporting Room | ANCRT-IN |
Anaesthetic Induction Room | ANIN-IN |
Angiography Procedure Room | ANPR-IN |
Anteroom | ANRM-IN |
Angiography Sterile Store/ Set-up | ANSS-IN |
Anaesthetic Store | ANST-IN |
Anaesthetic Workroom | ANWM-IN |
Assembly/ Preparation (Pharmacy), 20m2 | ASPR-20-IN |
Assembly/ Preparation (Pharmacy), 30m2 | ASPR-30-IN |
Assembly/ Collation/ Coding, 35m2 | ASSCO-IN |
Audiology Testing Room | AUDIO-IN |
Audio-visual Room | AUDV-IN |
Bathroom | BATH-IN |
Bay - ATM, 6m2 | BATM-6-IN |
Bay - Beverage, Enclosed | BBEV-ENC-IN |
Bay - Beverage, Open Plan | BBEV-OP-IN |
Bay - Blanket/ Fluid Warmer | BBW-IN |
Bay - Cleaning, 1.5m2 | BCL-1.5-IN |
Bay - Cleaning, 18m2 (Patient Transport) | BCL-18-IN |
Bay - Equipment Park, 10m2 | BEQP-10-IN |
Bay - Equipment Park, 12m2 | BEQP-12-IN |
Bay - Equipment Park, 15m2 | BEQP-15-IN |
Bay - Equipment Park, 20m2 | BEQP-20-IN |
Bay - Emergency Shower | BES-IN |
Bay - Flowers, Enclosed | BFLW-ENC-IN |
Bay - Flowers, Open Plan | BFLW-OP-IN |
Bay - Handwashing, Type A | BHWS-A-IN |
Bay - Handwashing, Type B | BHWS-B-IN |
Bay - Handwashing, Type C | BHWS-C-IN |
Bay - Handwashing, PPE | BHWS-PPE-IN |
Birthing Room - LDR | BIRM-IN |
Blood Collection Bay, 5m2 | BLDC-IN |
Blood Collection Work Area | BLDCW-IN |
Blood Checking/ Labelling/ Work Area | BLDWK-IN |
Bay - Linen | BLIN-IN |
Blood Store | BLST-IN |
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 10m2 | BMEQ-10-IN |
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 2.5m2 | BMEQ-2.5-IN |
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 4m2 | BMEQ-4-IN |
Bay - Mobile Equipment, 6m2 | BMEQ-6-IN |
Bay - Mobile Equipment (Enclosed), 4m2 | BMEQE-4-IN |
Bay - Meal Trolley, 4m2 | BMT-4-IN |
Bay - Pathology | BPATH-IN |
Bay - Public Telephone | BPH-IN |
Bay - PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) | BPPE-IN |
Bay - Resuscitation Trolley | BRES-IN |
Bay - Storage, 1m2 | BS-1-IN |
Bay - Storage, 2m2 | BS-2-IN |
Bay - Storage, 3m2 | BS-3-IN |
Bay - Storage, 4m2 | BS-4-IN |
Bay - Storage (Enclosed), 1m2 | BSE-1-IN |
Bay - Utility, 1.5m2 | BUT-1.5-IN |
Bay - Utility, 1m2 | BUT-1-IN |
Bay - Utility, 2m2 | BUT-2-IN |
Bay - Vending Machines, 3m2 | BVM-3-IN |
Bay - Vending Machines, 5m2 | BVM-5-IN |
Bay - Wheelchair Park, 8m2 | BWC-8-IN |
Bay - Wheelchair Park, 4m2 | BWC-IN |
Bay - Water Fountain, 1m2 | BWF-1-IN |
Calibration/ Testing Shop | CAL-TEST-30-IN |
Cashier | CASH-IN |
Change - Patient (Male/Female), 12m2 | CHPT-12-IN |
Change Cubicle - Accessible | CHPT-D-IN |
Change Cubicle - Patient | CHPT-IN |
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 10m2 | CHST-10-IN |
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 12m2 | CHST-12-IN |
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 14m2 | CHST-14-IN |
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 20m2 | CHST-20-IN |
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 25m2 | CHST-25-IN |
Change - Staff (Male/Female), 35m2 | CHST-35-IN |
Change - Staff, Female, 40m2 | CHST-F-G-IN |
Change - Staff, Male, 40m2 | CHST-M-G-IN |
Catheter Laboratory Procedure Room | CLAB-IN |
Catheter Lab Control/ Reporting Room | CLCRT-IN |
Medical Records / Clerical | CLREC-IN |
Cleaner's Room, 10m2 | CLRM-10-IN |
Cleaner's Room, 5m2 | CLRM-5-IN |
Clean-Up Room, 10m2 | CLUP-10-IN |
Clean-Up Room, 12m2 | CLUP-12-IN |
Clean-Up Room - Shared, 15m2 | CLUP-15-IN |
Clean-Up Room, 7m2 | CLUP-7-IN |
Clean-Up Room (Pathology) | CLUP-P-IN |
Clean Utility, 12m2 | CLUR-12-IN |
Clean Utility, 14m2 | CLUR-14-IN |
Clean Utility - Sub, 8m2 | CLUR-8-IN |
Computer Equipment Room | COEQ-IN |
Coffee Shop - Seating/ Dining, 30m2 | COFS-D-30-IN |
Coffee Shop - Preparation | COFS-P-IN |
Coffee Shop - Store, 8m2 | COFS-S-8-IN |
Coffee Shop - Servery | COFS-SERV-IN |
Coffee Shop - Wash-up | COFS-W-IN |
Computer Room, 12m2 | COMM-12-IN |
Computer Room, 20m2 | COMM-20-IN |
Communications Room | COMM-IN |
Consult Room - ENT/ Ophthalmology | CONS-ENT-OPT-IN |
Consult Room | CONS-IN |
Consult/ Interview Room - Mental Health | CONS-INT-MH-IN |
Cool Room | CORM-IN |
Computer Training Room | COTR-IN |
CT Scanning - Control Room | CTCR-IN |
CT Scanning - Procedure Room | CTPR-IN |
Courtyard - Secure | CTSE-IN |
Cytotoxic Room | CYT-IN |
Dark Room | DARK-IN |
Dental Clean-Up/ Sterilising | DCLUP-IN |
Demonstration Room | DEM-IN |
Dental Clean-up/ Sterilising, 10m2 | DENCU-10-IN |
Dental Laboratory, 20m2 | DENL-20-IN |
Dental Laboratory, 8m2 | DENL-8-IN |
Dental Surgery, 14m2 | DENSR-14-IN |
Dental Surgery, 16m2 | DENSR-16-IN |
Dental Workroom | DENW-IN |
Dental X-Ray | DENXR-IN |
Dining Room/ Beverage Bay (MH), 25m2 | DINBEV-25-IN |
Dining Room/ Beverage Bay (MH), 38m2 | DINBEV-38-IN |
Dining Room (Mental Health MH), 30m2 | DINMH-30-IN |
Dining Room (Rehabilitation) | DINR-IN |
Disposal Room, 10m2 | DISP-10-IN |
Disposal Room, 5m2 | DISP-5-IN |
Disposal Room, 8m2 | DISP-8-IN |
Daylight Processing | DPRO-IN |
Drug Information | DRI-IN |
Dirty Utility, 10m2 | DTUR-10-IN |
Dirty Utility, 12m2 | DTUR-12-IN |
Dirty Utility, 14m2 | DTUR-14-IN |
Dirty Utility - Sub | DTUR-S-IN |
Echocardiography - Trans-oesophageal | ECHO-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, 10m2 | ECL-10-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, 12m2 | ECL-12-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, 14m2 | ECL-14-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, 6m2 | ECL-6-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, 8m2 | ECL-8-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, Loan Equipment, 10m2 | ECL-LE-10-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, Loan Equipment, 12m2 | ECL-LE-12-IN |
Equipment Clean-Up, Sub Pathology | ECL-SP-IN |
Electronics Laboratory | ELAB-IN |
Ensuite - Birthing Room | ENS-BR-A-IN |
Ensuite - Birthing Room, Alternative | ENS-BR-B-IN |
Ensuite - Mental Health, Corridor Access | ENS-MH-A-IN |
Ensuite - Mental Health, Inboard | ENS-MH-B-IN |
Ensuite - Super, Inboard | ENS-SP-A-IN |
Ensuite - Super, Stand alone | ENS-SP-B-IN |
Ensuite - Standard, Inboard | ENS-ST-A-IN |
Ensuite - Outboard (Multiple Bed Rooms) | ENS-ST-B2-IN |
Ensuite - Standard, Outboard | ENS-ST-B-IN |
Ensuite - Standard, Additional Access | ENS-ST-C-IN |
Ensuite - Super VIP | ENS-SVIP-IN |
Ensuite - VIP | ENS-VIP-IN |
Ensuite - Visitor | ENS-VIS-IN |
Examination Room | EXAM-IN |
Examination/ Assessment Room- Mental Health | EXAS-MH-IN |