The Room Data Sheets (RDS’s) represent the detailed briefing requirements of individual room types. Some RDS’s provide options for certain elements such as materials. If an external document refers to these RDS’s, without qualifying the choice of options, then the default options will prevail. In case of any discrepancy between various documents, the RDS’s will take precedence.
Where materials or elements are mentioned by generic type (eg Vinyl), the requirements may be satisfied by other materials and elements which have very similar properties (eg impervious sheet flooring).
The Room Layout Sheets (RLS’s) are indicative plan layouts and elevations illustrating an example of good design. The RLS shown are deemed to satisfy these Guidelines. Alternative layouts and innovative planning shall be deemed to comply with these Guidelines provided that the following criteria are met:
- Compliance with the text of these Guidelines
- Minimum floor areas as shown in the schedule of accommodation in each FPU
- Additional 2 M2 added for each additional door above the minimum required number
- Heights and dimensions where shown
- Any Clean/ Dirty separations shown or implied
- Accessibility to and around various objects as shown or implied
- Relative location and empirical dimensions of:
1.Hand rails and Grab rails
2.Call points, Power, Light Switch, Data and Gas outlets
3.Bed Screens
4.Sanitary Fixtures
Standard Components | Code |
Family / Carer Room (Super VIP) | F-CR-SVIP-IN |
Feeding Room | FEED-IN |
Formula Room | FORM-IN |
Film Processing, Viewing and Reporting | FPVR-IN |
Fracture Clinic (Hand & Prosthetics) | FRACL-IN |
Freezer Room | FRRM-IN |
Flash Steriliser, 2m2 | FST-2-IN |
Gamma Camera | GCAM-IN |
General X-Ray, 28m2 | GENXR-28-IN |
General X-Ray, 30m2 | GENXR-IN |
Goods Receipt - Pharmacy | GRE-IN |
Gymnasium, 45m2 | GYAH-45-IN |
Gymnasium, 60m2 | GYAH-60-IN |
Gymnasium, Paediatric Therapy | GYAH-P-IN |
Hot Laboratory | HTLB-IN |
Hydrotherapy Pool Locker Bay | HYDLK-IN |
Hydrotherapy Pool | HYDP-IN |
Hydrotherapy Pool Open Shower Area | HYDSH-IN |
Hydrotherapy Pool Store | HYDST-IN |
Interview Room - Family/ Large | INTF-IN |
Laser Camera | LASC-IN |
Laundry - Hospital | LAUN-HO-IN |
Laundry - Mental Health | LAUN-MH-IN |
Laundry - Patient | LAUN-PT-IN |
Lay-up Room, 8m2 | LAYUP-8-IN |
Lounge/ Dining - Activites (MH), 20m2 | LDA-MH-20-IN |
Lounge/ Dining - Super VIP | LD-SVIP-IN |
Lecture Room, 100m2 | LEC-100-IN |
Lecture Room, 75m2 | LEC-75-IN |
Linen Holding - Clean | LHO-CL-IN |
Linen Holding - Soiled | LHO-SO-IN |
Lounge - Activities (Mental Health), 20m2 | LNAC-20-IN |
Lounge - Activities (Mental Health), 30m2 | LNAC-30-IN |
Lounge - Activities (Mental Health), 55m2 | LNAC-55-IN |
Lounge - Adolescent, 10m2 | LNAD-10-IN |
Lounge - Medical Officers, 20m2 | LNMO-20-IN |
Lounge - Medical Officers, 25m2 | LNMO-25-IN |
Lounge - Medical Officers, 35m2 | LNMO-35-IN |
Lounge - Parent, 12m2 | LNPA-12-IN |
Lounge - Patient, 10m2 | LNPT-10-IN |
Lounge - Patient, 15m2 | LNPT-15-IN |
Lounge - Patient, 20m2 | LNPT-20-IN |
Lounge - Patient, 30m2 | LNPT-30-IN |
Lounge - Patient, Chemotherapy | LNPT-CM-IN |
Lounge - Recovery, Stage 2 (Typical Bay) | LNPT-RS2-IN |
Lounge - Patient, Special | LNPT-S-IN |
Loading Dock | LODK-IN |
Library & Study/ Reading Area, 40m2 | LSRA-40-IN |
Library & Study/ Reading Area, 50m2 | LSRA-50-IN |
Multi-Function Activites Room (MH), 20m2 | MAC-20-IN |
Mammography, 12m2 | MAMMO-12-IN |
Mammography, 16m2 | MAMMO-IN |
Mammography - Interventional | MAMMO-INT-IN |
Medication/ Treatment Room - Mental Health | MED-MH-IN |
Meeting Room - Small, 12m2 | MEET-12-IN |
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 15m2 | MEET-15-IN |
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 18m2 | MEET-18-IN |
Meeting Room - Small, 9m2 | MEET-9-IN |
Meeting Room - Antenatal | MEET-AN-IN |
Meeting Room - Diversional Therapy | MEET-DT-IN |
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 20m2 | MEET-L-20-IN |
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 25m2 | MEET-L-25-IN |
Meeting Room - Medium/Large, 30m2 | MEET-L-30-IN |
Meeting Room - Large, 55m2 | MEET-L-55-IN |
Meeting Room - Living Skills, 20m2 | MEET-LS-20-IN |
Meeting Room - Living Skills, 30m2 | MEET-LS-30-IN |
Mould Room - Fitting | MLD-FT-IN |
Mould Room - Workshop | MLD-WS-IN |
Mortuary - Cool Store | MOR-CS-IN |
Mortuary - Clean-up Area | MOR-CU-IN |
Mortuary - Exit | MOR-EX-IN |
Mortuary - Viewing Room | MOR-VR-IN |
Mortuary - Waiting | MOR-W-IN |
MRI Scanning Room, 42m2 | MRI-SC-42-IN |
Neonatal Bay - General Care | NBGC-IN |
Neonatal Bay - Intensive Care | NBICU-IN |
Neonatal Bay - Special Care | NBSC-IN |
Observation Room | OBS-IN |
Office - 2 Person Shared | OFF-2P-IN |
Office - 3 Person Shared | OFF-3P-IN |
Office - 4 Person Shared | OFF-4P-IN |
Office - CEO | OFF-CEO-IN |
Office - Clinical/ Handover | OFF-CLN-IN |
Office - Single Person, 12m2 | OFF-S12-IN |
Office - Single Person, 9m2 | OFF-S9-IN |
Office - Write-up Bay, 1m2 | OFF-WI-1-IN |
Office - Write-up, 3m2 | OFF-WI-3-IN |
Office - Write-up Bay, 6m2 | OFF-WI-6-IN |
Office - Write-Up (Shared), 12m2 | OFF-WIS-IN |
Office - Workstation | OFF-WS-IN |
Operating Room - Hybrid Cath Lab | ORCATH-IN |
Operating Room - CT Control | OR-CTCR-IN |
Operating Room - CT Procedure | OR-CT-IN |
Operating Room - Digital | OR-DIG-IN |
Operating Room - General | ORGN-IN |
Operating Room - Hybrid CT Scanning Room | OR-HY-CT-IN |
Operating Room - Large | ORLA-IN |
Operating Room - Minor | ORMS-IN |
Operating Room - Vascular / Cardiac - Imaging | OR-VC-IN |
Operating Room - Hybrid X-ray | ORXR-IN |
Overnight Stay - Bedroom | OVBR-IN |
Overnight Stay - Ensuite | OVES-IN |
PACS Storage and Viewing | PACS-IN |
Parenting Room | PAR-IN |
Patient Bay - Critical, 16m2 | PBC-16-IN |
Patient Bay - Critical, 24m2 | PBC-24-IN |
Patient Bay - Critical (Enclosed), 25m2 | PBCE-25-IN |
Patient Bay - Acute Treatment, 12m2 | PBTR-A12-IN |
Patient Bay - Holding, 10m2 | PBTR-H-10-IN |
Patient Bay - Holding, Enclosed, 12m2 | PBTR-H-E-12-IN |
Patient Bay - Non Acute Treatment, 10m2 | PBTR-NA-IN |
Patient Bay - Resuscitation, 16m2 | PBTR-R-16-IN |
Patient Bay - Resuscitation, 28m2 | PBTR-R-IN |
Patient Bay - Recovery, Stage 1, 12m2 | PBTR-RS1-IN |
Pharmacy Counter | PHA-CO-IN |
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Courtyard | PHCO-CTYD-IN |
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Dispensing | PHCO-DISP-IN |
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Dosing | PHCO-DOS-IN |
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Waiting | PHCO-WAIT-IN |
Pharmacotherapy Unit - Toilet (Patient) | PHCO-WCP-IN |
Physics Laboratory | PHLAB-IN |
Play Area - Paediatric, 10m2 | PLAP-10-IN |
Play Area - Paediatric, 15m2 | PLAP-15-IN |
Play Area - Paediatric, 20m2 | PLAP-20-IN |
Plaster Room | PLST-IN |
Podiatry Treatment, 12m2 | PODTR-12-IN |
Podiatry Treatment, 14m2 | PODTR-14-IN |
Prayer Room, 20m2 | PRAR-20-IN |
Preparation Room - Non Sterile (Pharmacy) | PREP-IN |
Preparation/ Set-up Room (Imaging) | PREP-S-IN |
Procedure Room, 20m2 | PROC-20-IN |
Procedure Room, 30m2 | PROC-30-IN |
Property Bay - Staff, 2m2 | PROP-2-IN |
Property Bay - Staff, 3m2 | PROP-3-IN |
Property Bay - Staff, 6m2 | PROP-6-IN |
Pathology Laboratory Module | PTHLB-MOD-IN |
Pantry | PTRY-IN |
Pantry - Super VIP | PTRY-SVIP-IN |